New Amsterdam Vodka
This was a project done in my International Marketing course. We were given three countries to choose from and used data points from WorldBank to identify which country was the most optimal to export an alcohol product to with an Excel sheet. We settled on Lithuania and created our project about exporting a New Amsterdam Vodka product to Lithuania.
I'm most proud of the section I completed on pricing. We needed to come up with what to price our product, and I used various factors like GDP per capita, competitor pricing, and taxes to make that decision. This project was obviously hypothetical and more of an exercise, but I have a much better understanding of how to make those decisions based on my work in this project.
Being one of the first projects completed fully over Zoom, it was very difficult to collaborate with my group members. At first, we struggled to complete this project, but our final product turned out successful. Our professor told us it was one of the best presentations in that class. I have been able to use my experience in this group in my group projects this semester, and they are running much smoother.